Dear Bonnie, I know I am supposed to be happy during the holidays, but all I can think about is my family, who is not going to be here this Christmas to celebrate with me. My mom was my rock and she passed away three months ago. It’s hard for me to think about celebrating at all, but I have young children, and I know I must be present for them. How do I just go on when my heart is hurting so bad? Thanks, Tarah
Dear Tarah: You are not alone in your feelings. It’s hard to feel the way we think we are supposed to feel during the holidays when your heart is hurting. My grandmother Elvia and my Uncle Leon both passed away on Christmas Eve. My mom always would do her best to hide her feelings of sadness, but I intuitively, as a young child, would pick up on these feelings of sadness my mom held inside her heart. It wasn’t until I was much older that I would hear the story of my 22-year-old uncle going home from a work Christmas Party that my dad and other family members had also attended and not letting anyone drive him home and then hearing about how he passed away in front of the home I lived in. My dad was filled with guilt for not driving him even though he said he was fine to drive. Later, my mom would tell me the story of how she sat up in bed that night and knew that her brother had gone to Heaven.
I only share this story with you to show you that you are not alone in your sadness and that it is o.k. to feel the way you do, to acknowledge why you are sad but hopefully find a way to honor those family members who are no longer here on earth.
There are many ways we can show our loved ones who are no longer with us that we are thinking of them by making them a part of our celebration. Sing their favorite Christmas songs, sit around the table, and tell some of your favorite moments you had with them; hang a special ornament on the tree that has their name or picture of it. Say a prayer and send some thoughts of love to them. They are here. Your thoughts and prayers are always heard on the other side.
My mom, who is now in Heaven, loved the old Christmas movies, and I will put one on, and I’ll watch it and think of her. We keep them with us by making them a part of our lives, and I promise you this one thing: as a medium who talks to people on the other side almost every day. I know that they are still with us, just in a different way.
My Uncle Leon, who had passed to the higher side of life when I was such a young girl, became one of my most important guides. Although I can not remember his stay on Earth with me, he has made sure I have been safe and sound through my journey here on Earth. I know there have been moments of divine guidance on many occasions of accidents that could have been fatal and left me unscathed. He has made himself known to me as a guide since I was in my early twenties. He likes to turn on my TV and make my alarm clock go off when I am alone in my home, he likes to have fun with me. He took on the job of being my guide when I became old enough to drive, and I can see him and his beautiful smile looking at me when I tune into the spirit world. When I go for a reading with another medium, he comes through without a doubt with lots of evidence, so I know it’s him and he is always around me. I keep a picture of my grandmother Elvia and her son Leon in my office and see it each day. In the last reading I received (yes, mediums like to get readings, too), he came through very strongly. So, hold in your heart the knowing that our loved ones never really leave us, and they celebrate when we are celebrating. Love Never Dies, and we keep them with us by holding onto the memories we have of them until we meet again.
Bonnie Page is a Psychic Medium, Minister/Counselor, Teacher, and Reiki Master. She is the Owner of Mystical Magical Marketplace and Messages from Heaven, located in downtown Winchendon, Mass. Bonnie is available for private sessions in person, via Zoom or Facetime. For more info visit her website
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